Families who would like to attend a different USD 308 elementary school from the attendance area in which they live or who would like to attend USD 308 schools and live outside the district have a clearer process in 2013-14.
Each year, families who live in one elementary attendance area but wish for their children to attend another USD 308 elementary school, or live in another school district and wish to attend USD 308 schools must complete the appropriate transfer application form sometime between May 1 through enrollment day and submit it to the school they would like to attend. Enrollment for elementary schools will be Aug. 2 at each school, Aug. 5 and 6 for Hutchinson Middle School and Aug. 6 and 7 for Hutchinson High School.
While many families already have turned in their forms, transfer forms for families who did not complete them in May will be accepted at each school beginning July 29.
Priority for enrollment includes students who have an individualized educational program that requires them to attend a specific school and students who live within an elementary school’s boundaries.
In general, there are six broad priority categories with No. 1 as the highest priority and the No. 6 as the lowest priority. Each category below will include consultation with the district’s Special Education staff to ensure proper services are available for the student at the requested school. Transfers will be granted based on the priority order shown below. Ties within a priority category will be broken by lottery.
Current K-5 students in the building they attended in 2012-13 (priority is listed below with “a” having the highest priority.)
a. Employees of building
b. Employees of district
c. In-district
d. Out-of-district
Siblings of currently attending and/or special program students who live at the same address for the 2013-14 school year (priority is listed below with “a” having the highest priority).
a. Employees of building
b. Employees of district
c. In-district
d. Out-of-district
3. New transfer requests from district employees.
4. Existing out-of-district transfers denied under “1” and “2” above, but wishing to remain in USD 308 at a different school.
5. New transfer requests from in-district students.
6. New transfer requests from out-of-district students.
In addition to class and building capacity, the district also has a specific list of behavior-related reasons why a student’s transfer request may be denied the following year. If such behaviors occur, parents will be notified during the school year that continued behavior of this nature is a reason for the transfer to be denied the following year.
Those behaviors include repeated bullying or harassment of another student, repeated out-of-school suspensions, repeated physical aggression, truancy (including both attendance and tardies), repeated office referrals, repeated in-school suspensions and the student being placed at the Alternative Learning Program.
Additionally, out-of-district students who violate Kansas law may have their transfers revoked mid-year.
The in-district transfer request is available at www.usd308.com/assets/staffforms/Transfer%20Application.pdf.
The out-of-district transfer request is available at www.usd308.com/assets/staffforms/Transfer%20Application%20Out%20of%20District.pdf.
For more information, contact Cindy Cooprider, director of elementary education, at coopriderc@usd308.com
The transfer process information also is available on the district webpage at www.usd308.com.