HUTCHINSON, Kan. – The Pink Heals National Tour will be in Hutchinson on Wednesday, Aug. 6th. The city of Hutchinson has agreed to declare Wednesday as “Pink Heals Day.”
The Tour will be in Hutchinson and set up in the Dillon Market Place store parking lot from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Then they will do some home visits in the afternoon with those who are battling cancer.
The Hutchinson Fire Department will have a community cook-out at George Pyle Park next to Fire Station #1 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
The “Pink Heals” is a program that brings a community together based on the love of women and caregivers. They put their volunteerism and their labor of love to work for the people in their communities rather than for a “cause.” The money raised by your local chapters stays local.
The Hutchinson area is under the Wichita “Pink Heals” chapter.